St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


Dr. Hill peering through a Zometool model of an expanded hyperdodecahedron

Zometool is a mathematically-precise plastic construction set for building a myriad of geometric structures, 从简单的多边形到柏拉图立体, 从DNA分子模型到测地线穹顶, 从四维人物的“阴影”到Art作品. 它也是一个极好的教育工具, as it facilitates mathematical discovery while unleashing creativity. This page provides a brief introduction and a growing collection of resources about Zometool. 欢迎评论、问题和建议! 请联系 Dr. 克里斯。希尔.

关于我的: 我是Zometool的狂热爱好者.k.a. a 佐莫). 我喜欢用它来做建筑,把它当作一种教学工具. I have run several Zometool workshops and "barn raisings" with middle school and 高中 students and am looking for opportunities to do more.



本节概述“Zometool”的工作原理." 然而, it is not necessary to know any of this information before using Zometool. Zometool非常用户友好.

Zometool has two types of pArts: round connector balls and color-coded struts. Each connector ball has 62 holes: 30 rectangular holes, 20 triangular holes, and 12 pentagonal holes. The colors of the struts indicate into which holes in the balls they will fit. 蓝色支柱可以插入矩形孔中, 黄色支柱正好插在三角形的洞里, and the red struts and green struts both fit into the pentagonal holes. 然而, a green strut features two bends which cause it to point in different directions than a red strut. 连接球允许在92个不同的方向上施工.

每种颜色的支柱有短,中,长尺寸. 红色支柱也有更短的“超短”尺寸. 对于每种颜色的支柱, the ratio between the lengths of one size of strut and the next smaller size (if there is one) is the 黄金比例,大约是1.618. (用于计算这些比率, the “length of a strut” is equal to the distance between the middle of the node at one end of the strut to the middle of the node at the other end.)这个事实的一个优雅的结果是,对于每一种颜色, the length of a long strut equals the length of a medium strut connected to a short strut. 简而言之,长等于中号加短号. 同样,用红色表示,中号等于短号加超短号.

Different types of struts are required for the construction of different types of structures. 例如,a 常规的十二面体 可以用同样大小的蓝色支柱来建造吗 菱形十二面体 用同样大小的黄色支柱,a 菱形triacontahedron 用同样大小的红色支柱,a 正四面体 用同样大小的绿色支柱, and more elaborate structures with combinations of strut types and sizes.

以便更容易地指定Projects的部件, 支柱输入“蓝色”,”“黄,”“红,和“green”缩写为“B”," "Y," "R,和“G”,支柱尺寸超短,”“短,”“中,和“长”表示为“00”," "0," "1,和2,”分别. 例如, 一个长长的蓝色支柱是B2, 一个中黄色的支柱是Y1, 一个短的绿色支柱是G0, 超短的红色支柱是R00.

2011年之前, Zometool提供蓝色, 黄色的, and red struts in a size 3 that was longer than size 2 by a factor of the 黄金比例. 根据上面关于黄金比例的评论, 在给定的颜色中, a size 3 strut has the same length as a size 2 strut connected to a size 1 strut. 然而,不幸的是,3号支柱已经停产了. 它们允许在更大的规模上建立简单的模型, and a few constructions (such as the compound of ten triangular prisms—see Projects(见下文).

Since the ratio between the lengths of one size of strut and the next smaller size is the same for all types of struts, 一个Zometool模型可以分别按比例缩放, down) by replacing each strut with the next larger size (respectively, 小尺寸), 假设存在尺寸支柱.


  • 乔治•布什(George W. 哈特 is a mathematician/Artist who creates the most splendid and varied mathematical sculptures. 哈特在各种媒体中工作,包括Zometool. 他的名字在这页上出现了好几次.
  • Pentidisc The world's largest Zometool construction is a pentagonal "disc" almost six meters in diameter, 覆盖着 准周期的瓷砖,包含9万多个部件. 它是在…期间组装的 2013年桥 会议在荷兰恩斯赫德举行.
  • 克林纪念雕塑 集合在 2009年桥 班夫会议, 阿尔伯塔省, 加拿大150位Math家, Art家, 还有他们的孩子, Math雕塑有50多个,它基于一个6维立方体的“影子”. 当时,它是世界上最大的Zometool建筑. 其他照片提供于 Zometool的flickr流.
  • Zome-inspired雕塑 (pdf),保罗·希尔德布兰特. Proceedings, Bridges London: Connections between Math, Art, and Music, Reza Sarhangi和John Sharp(编辑). (2006) 335-342.
  • 丹佛Art博物馆的Zometool雕塑


  • 课程计划 (pdf) Hands-on activities with Zometool for students of elementary grades through 高中, 与Math的联系, Art, 科学, 和建筑. 课程计划的硬拷贝可以从网上购买 Zometool公司.
  • Zome几何:动手学习与Zome模型——乔治·W. 哈特和亨利·皮乔托. 重点课程出版社,2001. 这本平装书是中学的好教材, 高中, 还有大学生和老师. 这本书可以从 Zometool公司. Note: the book was published and the addenda written before the Zometool公司 began selling size 0 and size 00 struts and discontinued size 3 struts.
  • Zome车间 (pdf),保罗·希尔德布兰特. From the abstract: “This paper outlines how to conduct a Zome workshop for students, 老师或家长. 我将讨论发现学习哲学, 为Workshops做准备, 举办工作坊, follow-up activities and additional resources that are available for educators.”


  • Zome的Math (pdf),汤姆戴维斯. Zometool的一个显著特点是, 当你用它建造的时候, 当您想用支柱连接两个相邻的节点时, very often the two nodes have holes of the same type and orientation lined up and there is a strut of the right length to connect them. 简而言之,事情往往会解决. Davis provides the beautiful mathematics that underlies this phenomenon.
  • Metazome, 作者:安德鲁·米哈尔, 马特Moskewicz, 于家村金, 将Plishker, Niraj沙, 斯科特Vorthmann, 和斯科特·韦伯. The Metazome website proves mathematically that by using Zometool to build large meta-versions of nodes and struts, 一个人可以, 原则上, 构建任何Zometool模型的庞大元版本. 也看到 Projects,低于.
  • 常规的多面体第三版.作者:H.S.M. Coxeter. 多佛,1973. 虽然写于Zometool发明之前, this classic provides mathematical background for Zometool-constructible regular polytopes.


The compound of 12 triangular prisms using blue connector balls and Y3 struts in white
  • 先进的建造中 乔治·哈特(George 哈特)为本书编写的在线附录 Zome几何 (见上图).
    • 十个三角棱镜的组合 这可能是哈特的先进结构中最具挑战性的. It's certainly the most challenging and satisfying Zometool model I've ever made. (见右图.) The link goes to a page in 哈特's website where he outlines its construction. 注意,这个模型需要Y3支柱.
  • Metazome, 作者:安德鲁·米哈尔, 马特Moskewicz, 于家村金, 将Plishker, Niraj沙, 斯科特Vorthmann, 和斯科特·韦伯. The Zometool node has the shape of a certain polyhedron (an elongated ),这个多面体可以用Zometool来构建. Think of the resulting Zometool model as a significantly scaled-up node—a meta-node. Scaled-up versions of Zometool struts can also be built using Zometool, giving us meta-struts. MetazomeWebsite展示了元节点和元struts是如何做到的, 原则上, 可以用来构建任何Zometool模型的庞大元版本. MetazomeProjects是本次会议的重点 St. Bonaventure Zometool车间 & 几何谷仓饲养2011. Metazome projects would be a natural application of size-3 struts, but as mentioned in the Introduction Zometool公司停止了这种尺寸. 然而, any size-3 strut may be replaced by a size-2 strut connected to a size-1 strut.
  • Zometool多面体乔治·哈特. A list of some of the types of polyhedra that can be built using Zometool. 这些多面体在哈特和皮乔托的书中有讨论 Zome几何 (见 Educators,上图).
  • ZomeProjects大卫·A. 里希特. A list of advanced projects, with varying amounts of detail for their constructions. Most of the projects are three-dimensional projections of four-dimensional figures.


  • vZome,斯科特·沃斯曼著. 一个程序建立虚拟区域模型. A version without the ability to save files is available immediately, 并可根据要求提供功能齐全的版本, 都是免费的.
  • Zometool形状近似  A team from RWTH Aachen University in Germany has developed a program that takes a digital 3-d model and produces a digital Zometool representation of the model. 数字Zometool表示,称为a Zometool网, may be used to build a physical Zometool approximation of the model.



  • Zome车间 Zome车间 (pdf),作者:Paul Hildebrandt. From the abstract: “This paper outlines how to conduct a Zome workshop for students, 老师或家长. 我将讨论发现学习哲学, 为Workshops做准备, 举办工作坊, follow-up activities and additional resources that are available for educators.”
  • 克里斯·希尔组织
  • Mathcamp 2010 Projects:扩展120单元. 时间:4小时. 人:不明.
  • Mathcamp 2008 Project: truncated-ambo 120-cell (also called the cantitruncated 120-cell). 时间:8.5个小时. People: initially about 100; a small subset worked throughout.
  • 结Math与Art2007年会议 Projects:截断120单元. 时间:4.5个小时. 人:10.
  • 纽约州立大学石溪分校2006 Sangaku区域建设 Project: truncated-ambo 600-cell (also called the cantitruncated 600-cell). 时间:4小时. 人:不明.
  • 桥梁2006年伦敦会议 Projects:全覆盖120/600单元. 时间:8小时. 人数:40人左右.